Sunday, March 31, 2013

Brown vs. Board of Education Connections

 As I started to watch the Tim Wise Video, read Bob Herbert article and read up more about Brown vs. Board of Education I saw many “Delpit moments” throughout the three.  We all know that the Brown v. Board of Education, “stripped away constitutional sanctions from segregation by race and made equal opportunity in education”(Website).  Many people still to this day believe that segregation does not in school and in job but it does weather they believe it or not.  A interest fact that I found in one of the Tim Wise videos was that in 1962 white people would say black have equal job and education but today they do not believe so.  Back in 1962 right around the time this act was passed there was more segregation and in todays society there is still but not a much.  People are in denial.  I would like to use some Delpit culture of power to explain how the relationships between Brown v. Board of Education and Tim Wise and Bob Herbert arguments are and also bring in Kozol.

 Culture of Power #4: If you are not already a participant in the culture of power, being told explicitly the rules of that culture makes acquiring power easier.
            Delpit had pointed out in her article that, “My kids knows how to be black…you teach him how to survive in a white man’s world” (29).  Now Tim Wise states throughout his interview about the “black and brown norm”.  It’s basically what black/brown people know how to do well.  Know Delpit also states about the “black and brown norm” when stating this sentence.  As Tim goes on and says that the typical “black and brown norms” may be difference for some black and brown people using the example of Obama.  But there is a stand that this black kids have to grow up in with a white society and not everyone is the same but they can act the same.          

Culture of Power #5: Those with power are frequently least aware- or least willing to acknowledge- it existence.  Those with less power are often most aware of its existence.
            Delpit in this point is trying to state that those who have privilege don’t know it and people without power know it.  Tim Wise states an interesting fact that in the second video that we need to listen to people who are no the target of the problem.  I find this to be a great similarity because if you are a black person most of you decision that are made for you, politically, are by white people.  If you are a white people (power) trying to fix segregation, for black people lets say (not powerful) they are not going to know how to solve the problem because they are not the center of the problem.  In this situation black people are going to know they do not have power because they cannot make an input on the decision.

Kozol and Poverty Level.
            In Kozol article he talks many time about the poverty level in which he was writing his book about.  At the beginning of the paper he talks about the kids in the elementary school that is in this local neighborhood and about how seven of 800 students do not get free lunch and that five out of those seven get reduce lunch.   Now you how to think of what that might do to a child’s education?  Well Bob Herbert states in his article that there was a study done.  Low-income students who happened to be enrolled in affluent elementary schools did much better than similarly low-income students in higher-poverty schools in the county”(Herbert).  This study reminded me of this in Kozols work because poverty is such a huge part in why kids don’t get a good enough materials and educations.

Points to Share:
 I really liked this weeks blog. I learned many thing that I thought I was not going to learn.  I can not wait for class discussion to see what happens and everyone thoughts.  I would like to hear more on Tim Wise interviews and read his book because his points are so interesting.  Also I would like to know what politics are doing about this issue is anything.       

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"In the Service of What?" by Kahne and Westheimer-Reflections

When I first started to read "In the Service of What", I had no idea what I was going to write about for this blog. So many different things popped into my head of what I have done for community service throughout the years of my schooling and throughout my own time.  Kahne & Westheimer point out to us readers different ways to community service and different ways that kids can get involved in these activities.

One thing that I have done for community service for a long time was adopt a kid at a local school.  My aunt teachers at a Middle School in Providence and every year around Christmas you are asked to buy that child you adopt a Christmas present.  These kids do not come from a lot of money and they enjoy getting the gift that you give them every year.  Most of them do not get a lot of presents so it is nice to see when they do get a gift how much they enjoy knowing that someone out their cares for them. 

Another thing that I have done is my aunt and I started to collet cloths from family members and friends that have old cloths to donate and give them to her school to pass out to kids that don’t have much money to spend on cloths.  As much as you don’t think about it many kids in these Providence don’t have the money to go spend on new cloths every season.  Some don’t come in with jackets or a pair of jeans that fits right.  It is hard to see these kids had barley anything.  So we decided to put our old cloths to use and start putting other kids in cloths. More kids come to school dressed right for the weather and appreciate what we give them. 

Kahne & Westheimer point out in one part of the reading that most states require students to do community service to graduate.  I never had to do that many hours besides my senior project community service where I taught kids skating and dance, put on a show for their parents at the end of the year, but I think it is a great idea to get kids involved in community service to graduate.  They can see a whole new world and it might changes some kids minds on what they want to do.  They should get more state involved to do this.

                                     The school my aunt teaches at, Esek Hopinks Middle School

Points to Share:
I think it would be great to get more students at the high school and middle school levels to get involved with community service.  Also I wonder why some states don’t have students do community service hours as a part of graduation requirements?              

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I'm a Pretty Pretty Princess; Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orensten; Argument


*These are my Disney Princess Crowns that I have.  Notice how Cinderella's is a tiara and Snow
                                                                  Whites is a bow.*

When I first started to read this article I got really argumentative because I love Disney Princess as I was growing up.  As a child I would watch all the Disney Princess movies and play with my American Girl Dolls.  I was one of the kids that had every Disney Princess toy, tv, sleeping bag, hair accessories, you name it I probably had it.  Snow White was my favorite Disney Princess when I was growing up.  I would want to wear a red bow in my hair everyday.  Growing up, I grew out of that phase of being a Disney Princess and became the person that I am today.  Is Snow White still my favorite Disney, yes, but I never ate a poisoned apple and waiting for my prince charming to come save me (that would never happen).

The argument that Orenstein is showing us is that these Disney Princess are role models in determine a young girls reflection of herself and the imagine she wants to portray.  One way that this self imagine is shown through the Disney Princess is the way they dress.  If you notice all the princess are in dress, except Jasmine.  All girls wear dressing, you never see their Prince Charmings wear dresses they are always wearing pants.  A quote that I found very interesting was, "Both Princess and American Girl promote shopping as the path to intimacy between mothers and daughters; as an expression, even for five-year-olds, of female identity."  I do find this statement to be very true.  It is very rare when you see a father and son go on a shopping trip for "bonding trip".  Girls are expected to look pretty and portray a beautiful body figure while showing off these great clothing attire. 

Comments and Questions:
Growing up I never really saw the facts that Orenstein pointed out in this reading.  I wondering if being a little girl in this society has changed perspectives of different things.  I also want to understand why they decides to market this franchise so late in the careers or the princesses?  That most have something to do this the growth of every girl wanting to be a princess.     

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unlearning the Myths That Blind Us by Christensen: Reflection

When I first started to read this article, Unlearning the Myths that Blind Us, by Christensen I knew exactly what I was going to write about.  This topic I have always wondered about because I feel that the media has had a impact of what I have done while growing.  Growing up every girl thinks they are going to fall in love with their prince charming a live a happy ever after.  It sometimes always doesn’t work like that.  Disney and all these other cartoons in the media have put these images, good or bad into our head from a young age that make us be a stereotype people and situations around us as the author called “secret education”. 

I remember in high school we had to do a similar project to the one the author gave his students.  In my psychology class in high school we had to do the rice babies and had to pretend we were parents.  Throughout the process of being a parent we had to watch different types of cartoon movies with our child.  When you watching these Disney movies as a child you never really think of what the message is, you just see a beautiful princess that is looking for love and an evil women that is trying to get in the way to stop her dreams from coming true.  Anyways for my project we had to look at all the things in the Disney movies The Little Mermaid and Mulan. Watching these movies now I could not believe what messages they were sending to these kids.  Take Mulan for example, one part of the movie Mulan is trying to impress a man to marry.  That is not a great message you want to be sending to kids because girls are going to think that you have to dress to impress someone.  Girls in a lot of these movies are portrayed as beautiful and sexy women which isn’t the reality.  Take every movie that has a evil stepmother or some kind of evil women.  Back when I watched these I thought they were scary to look at and they still are today.  That is not showing a great message either because not every fat or ugly or old person is going to act that way toward someone.  There are so many more examples that I can go on with but we might be here forever!
As much as no one wants to admit what we see as little kids on television and as young adults portrays part of what we are today.  As much as I love my Disney movies and loved my shows growing up, there is a part me that wants to go back and tell myself that a lot of the stuff that happens in movies and on television doesn’t happen in real life.

I feel that we should do a project on this with race.  I feel that it would be interesting to see what we can conclude.  Also I would like to know why the author started to do this project.  I feel that a lot of students as they grow up should learn about information like this.